ALL Parents

Sunshine Behavioral Health Has Great Cyberbullying Resources

Cyberbullying is a very serious problem and there are several precautions that can help with preventing it before it even starts. Let’s take a look.

Cyberbullying is a problem, but how big a problem remains to be determined. Its apparent growth may be due to the increased prevalence of electronic devices, individuals’ obsessions with going online and staying connected, and the awareness that these factors could cause problems, including increased mental health issues such as substance abuse.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides information on its website and through its publications as a public service. We cannot respond to specific questions regarding personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, professional resources available in your area, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. We understand, however, that people may have arrived at because they are looking for such help, and we have organized a variety of useful resources and websites below. 


The Mental Health Resources for Parents are online resources aimed specifically at parents of adolescents and young adults.


PTSD and Young People

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a major trauma.

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A Parent’s’ Guide to Suicide Prevention

This guide provides resources and expert advice to help parents compassionately care for high school and college students and make sure they get the professional services they need.

College Parents

College Parents you are in a unique position... your child is an adult by the law and therefore by the University, but there are things you can do to keep the best interest of your college student in focus.

Here is a good parents guide about general college students and their mental health.