CWP's Mission
“Cutler Wellness Programs, Inc. is dedicated to the fundamental premise that high school, college & graduate school students need to be provided a coordinated and integrated mental wellness program. ”
To Promote Mental Health & Wellness for the General Education population.
Pillar I - Advocacy:
This advocacy includes meeting with legislators on current and planned curriculum. Getting a seat at the education table to ensure mental health illiteracy is a focus, in a meaningful way to the targeted population.
Pillar II - Education:
Student Mental Health Curriculum/Programming: . Research shows that there is a direct relationship between an increase in MH knowledge leads to a decrease in Stigma!! So lets educate our students on all levels. We need to begin with Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) with our Pre-school & Elementary aged children. Let’s give them tools and language that begins the journey on Mental Health Resiliency! From there let’s keep the conversation going as well as the MH Education base of knowledge as our kids grow into adulthood!